Unnamed (VJ1...)

Payment methods

This block will display various payment methods.

More infoThis block will display buttons (and if chosen, QR codes) to your visitors so they can pay you, e.g. for donations. You have to register separately at these payment providers (see below); 9Blox.com will not process payments, but instead lead your visitors to the respective payment website / App! Play around with random data at first, if you want.

Payment options:

More infoThis will show a Paypal button with a Paypal-me link.
  • Users can pay with: Paypal, Credit Cards.
  • Charges and fees: Payments received via 'Family & Friends' (as chosen by the paying user) are normally free of charge, but commercial payments incur a fee.
  • Required from you: You need a (free) Paypal account.
You need to state your Paypal.me-name (just the name, not the full link).  Learn more.
e.g. https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/FrankDux

More infoThis will show a Revolut button with a Revolut username.
  • Users can pay with: Revolut, Credit Cards, Google Pay, Apple Pay.
  • Charges and fees: Payments received via Revolut are free of charge. This means you can also receive payments via Google Pay and Apple Pay free of charge!
  • Required from you: You need a (free) Revolut account.
You need to state your Revolut.me-name (just the name, not the full link).  Learn more.
e.g. https://revolut.me/frankdux

More infoThis will show a Buy me a coffee button with a Buy me a coffee username. It points to a special page which you design at Buymeacoffeec.com. You may also use the Stripe payment method (see below) directly.
  • Users can pay with: Paypal, Credit Cards, Google Pay, Apple Pay.
  • Charges and fees: Payments received via Credit Cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay are handled via Stripe and thus incur a fee, see below.
  • Required from you: You need a (free) Buy me a coffee account.
You need to state your Buy me a Coffee name (just the name, not the full link).  Learn more.
e.g. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/frankdux

More infoThis will show a Stripe button with a personal Stripe payment link. You need to state the requested amount; the user cannot change it. Stripe is a payment provider which offers many different payment methods.
  • Users can pay with: Paypal, Credit Cards, Google Pay, Apple Pay and more, depending on your configuration.
  • Charges and fees: Payments received via Credit Cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay incur a fee, which is notable especially on small amounts!
  • Required from you: You need a (free) Stripe account and you need to create a personal payment link.
You need to state the customized part of the Stripe payment link.  Learn more.
e.g. https://buy.stripe.com/fZe8yXc1n7AI9kQ001

More infoThis will show a Bitcoin button with your Bitcoin address.
  • Users can pay with: Bitcoin
  • Charges and fees: Payments received via Bitcoin may incur a fee, depending on your provider.
  • Required from you: You need a Bitcoin address. Google for more info, e.g. about Coinbase or Bitcoin.com.
You need to state your Bitcoin address.
e.g. bitcoin:3Mv6AgsxsS82ffcE2iqLiTnTxKJjJBDjLf


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