9blox.com creates a simple web page. Everyone who knows its link can read and (if allowed) edit it.
9blox.com creates a simple web page. Everyone who knows its link can read and (if allowed) edit it.
Site created and operated by Frank Dux, Flemingweg 59, D-40591 Düsseldorf, phone: +49 (0) 171 2309614, E-Mail: frank.dux@gmx.de
VAT number: DE225020607.
The following cookies are essential for this page to work - by continuing, you agree to them:
We use some files (e.g. some third-party libraries or fonts) which are hosted in a Content Delivery Network, which may be located outside of Germany (e.g. in the US or elsewhere).
Page name: '9 B l o x - Info'
The page is locked for others. Change
The page is published. You can set it to maintenance mode. Then others will only see a maintenance page (the page must be locked for that). Set the page to maintenance
This page does not use premium features. More info.
9blox.com can inform you automatically via email or push message about changes to this site, e.g. about new blocks being added, blocks being edited etc.
9blox.com can refresh itself automatically after a predefined period of time.
Use this feature if you display the site in a shop window or similar and want to update it remotely.
Frank | 11.04.24, 11:29 | |
Dave | 09.01.24, 15:44 | |
deleted | 14.10.22, 12:51 | |
Frank S21 | 18.12.21, 12:25 | |
Frank Büro FF | 07.09.21, 18:16 | |
bangzero | 28.08.21, 19:37 | |
Mark | 05.08.21, 15:35 | |
FrankLatop | 19.05.21, 20:55 | |
tab | 14.05.21, 20:04 | |
Frank S21 mobile | 14.05.21, 19:01 |
Sorry, the statistics feature requires a premium account. Please upgrade or enter trial mode.
These are the ID numbers of the last (max) 10 blocks you changed. If your layout is broken due to a recent change, delete the respective block.
You can register yourself for being informed about changes to this website via email or via push messages.
Choose 'Only urgent' to be informed about urgent events only (mainly adding/removing site content), or 'All' for information on all changes.
This page can automatically refresh itself after a predefined time.
Configure auto-refresh if you want to have this page displayed permanently somewhere, e.g. in a shop window or a store front. You must also lock the page in such a case, as automatic refresh works only for locked pages. You may even use the browser's full screen mode (press F11).
Then share the page's URL to yourself and access/change the page from a different computer/smartphone by locally unlocking and editing it. Thus you can add or update its content which will be displayed after the next automatic refresh.
Current style of this page: 'Standard' (Blue on white; orange for highlight)
You can choose between different styles (color schemes) for this page.
This is work in progress, pls stand by.
You can protect this page from editing by locking it. If you do so, all blocks will be displayed 'read-only'; changing or deleting a block is not possible.
You may want to lock your page if you plan to publish it to a larger audience. Some functions remain active, e.g. participating in a survey or in a chat. You can unlock the page later permanently or just for yourself, which allows you to edit the page even if it was published already.
Create your own simple collaboration page. Everyone who knows this page can read and (if allowed) edit it.
Create brainstorming texts, to do lists, a group planning or any other shared content within a group of people, or create a read-only page just like this one!
No costs, no registration needed. Just try it!
This entire page was built with 9Blox.com. Need inspiration? Click here
Each page consists of individual blocks - you can add as many blocks as you like.
A block can have different types, e.g. hold text, an image, a survey etc. If a block contains your name as text, it will be highlighted.
Only certain block types (e.g. text) can be edited (other types can only be deleted).
Blocks are normally one column (320 pixels) wide, but can be extended to double width. On a mobile, even wide block are displayed in one column unless explicitly changed by the user.
A block can be marked as "important" and will then periodically wiggle a bit to draw attention.
You can archive (hide) blocks if you do not need them temporarily. Click "Display all" in the menu at the top left to make all blocks visible and unhide blocks if needed.
You can share individual blocks or the entire page, see below.
Blocks will be layouted automatically from top left to bottom right according to their ID (the circled number). The sequence by default corresponds to the date of creation.
The layout algorithm will try to fit blocks underneath each other. There is no drag and drop available; however, you can move a block up or down the sequence.
Each page is identified by its unique link. After you have entered text, save your page as bookmark or share the link via the share-icon at the top right to be able to access your text later!
When you just open https:/9blox.com, it will load your last used page.
A block can be one of the following:
By the way, this block has two columns width (on a desktop).
You can create public pages such like this. Then you should protect the page to prevent unknown users from changing or deleting it. You can still unlock the page temporarily only for yourself to edit it even if the link has been shared publicly.
Share the link to this page via social media or via the QR code available via the share icon.
You can create a shortcut link in the Profile page. You should do that only if you want to publish your page anyway, as the "randomness" of the page's URL is significantly reduced then.
When you share the link to your page to others, all of you can jointly work on the page. Each "author" is asked to give his (first) name to identify the actions of different people.
Blocks can be edited by one person at a time; if a block was updated by someone else, it will receive a red frame, and you should refresh the page.
You can lock a page to make it readonly to everyone who does not know the password you used for locking.
Note: If you unlock the page, everyone who knows its link will be able to edit it!
Therefore there's an "Unlock for yourself only" function available, which unlocks the page only for your current browser session (meaning: only for you and only for this moment). This allows you to edit your page while others may still only view it (e.g when the page is public).
Click on the profile menu item to change your name, to create a shortlink to your page and to see access statistics.
This is available only for unlocked pages.
You can upload jpg, gif, png images, PDF, Word, Excel and PowerPoint presentations and simple text files.
Image files will be displayed directly in a thumbnail version; a click leads to the larger version.
Other filetypes will only be displayed as link.
There are limits on filesize for uploads.
If you want to upload other filetypes or larger files, search for "File Hoster" on the web...
This site uses code created by better programmers than me. In detail, I'd like to thank the following contributors:
Within limits, you can integrate HTML code with the "iFrame/HTML" block type.
This makes especially sense to e.g. integrate a Google Sheets table or other HTML pages via iFrames. See examples and read more about Publishing. You need to choose "Embed" and copy the code within the iFrame tags, i.e.
iframe... /iframe
Be aware that you can seriously disrupt your layout, so please use with care. See examples of integration (Spotify, YouTube, Instagram etc) here.
How do you use 9Blox.com?
Learn more about me at frankdux.de and on LinkedIn.
I created this site when I played around with Flexbox and Grid systems, and when I tried to use and understand some heavy Javascript code.
This site is for personal interest only and has no commercial intention.
Also look at my other sites, which are mostly free to use:
Want to help? Check the "Please donate!" widget...
Next big event!
In the Profile section, go to Notifications. There you can enter an email address or even a push message ID to be informed in real-time about changes to a site. Sorry, this is possible only for premium sites (and only if the site is editable and unlocked).
Completion rate of planned extensions to 9Blox.com:
Number of available different block types:
Please support me with a small donation.
9Blox supports different designs - switch the design with the Style-link on the configuration page. This is the standard design in blue and white. I add new designs occasionally. Some of the sample pages are in a different design.
Contact me for a personal design which matches e.g. your corporate identity.
This block will contain a whiteboard which you can use to draw in collaboration with other visitors to your site. Note that drawing is also possible when the site is locked. This is based on Witeboard.com.
What do you want to add?
Hover over the icons for an explanation, or click here. Click on an icon to add a block of that type (e.g. on the 'T' icon to add another text block). The new block will appear at the bottom. Some block types (marked with this color) require a premium access.